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7363 Firmware Update Issue

New Contributor
So I am trying to update the AP that is on an extremely old version firmware It doesn't have the option to update local, just tftp, ftp, and web.  It had the ruckus information to download from their site, but it wouldn't work it was stating that the firmware was too large to store on the current partition.  How do I clear that out?  Also I have tried to tftp from my own local tftp server but I don't know how the ctnrl file is suppose to be formatted.

Esteemed Contributor II
Does this KBA help?

KBA-1866:  What is the path to upgrade a Standalone AP from early code?

Contributor II

For interested parties, you don't have to use the control file.  Simply pointing the AP (FTP or TFTP) to the actual .img on a server will work, though it does claim that it fails.  Reboot the AP, and it will work.

The local option is gained with 9.1.2.  Also worth noting- though the APs do not have an upgrade path, dragging them through several GAs at once can lead to them defaulting.  If they don't come back, check DHCP.