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SmartRedundancy with 3 ZD5000 controllers


I know that ZD's are EOL, but we need a plan of action in case there is a failure in a website/ZONE (RJ or DF), the fear of recovery does not affect the customers' wifi perception.
I know that the operation of the ZD is via LWAPP, however, I would like to know if a station is unavailable, how do I make the APs fill the other station as main.

They are in the same hardware version;
They are in the same firmware version 9.12.x;
I need to add the license amount in 2;
But now, for example, is there any command on the Lan network of the AP's that I can inform you that from now on, do you need to find the WLC of the X / Y site?

My AP's are configured with static IP's "set director ip 186.x.x.x. or 201.x ...., but if I configure it by DHCP 43, or DNS, can I get into this scenario?

If ZD drops, even "on the client's local network," do I lose access to the AP, or am I able to access it?

Of course I can create a dns entry on the router, pointing to the other site, can this also work?Image_ images_messages_5f91c3f2135b77e2478f4563_ff137ec39da564ab36417eef45526a62_RackMultipart20181021753151eof-75d46155-67c5-4c19-b135-17c8288b16c3-22459363.png1540121964

Esteemed Contributor II
Well, a pair of ZDs in redundancy, can share a common Management IP Address.
DNS for 'zonedirector.localdomain' can point to two IPs, perhaps two different Management IP Addresses...
You can manually set APs with the 'set director ip a.b.c.d  a.b.c.e' command, with 2 different Management IP addresses.
I have not tested this, but we may have the built-in capability of failing over to the 2nd ZD pair.

New Contributor III
for your question ; But now, for example, is there any command on the Lan network of the AP's that I can inform you that from now on, do you need to find the WLC of the X / Y site?

you can use native vlan command if your using cisco switch were the ap is connected.


Thank you all.
We will do the following:

If a station falls, the AP's (which are on the client) will only lose LWAPP. So, we will configure a DNS server, so when this happens, we add a type A (ruckus) input, we will perform the factory reset, and because the APs are with DHCP, they will be redirected to the determined ZD.
I tested and it worked in Lab, we need to adapt to the production network.