I know that ZD's are EOL, but we need a plan of action in case there is a failure in a website/ZONE (RJ or DF), the fear of recovery does not affect the customers' wifi perception.
I know that the operation of the ZD is via LWAPP, however, I would like to know if a station is unavailable, how do I make the APs fill the other station as main.
They are in the same hardware version;
They are in the same firmware version 9.12.x;
I need to add the license amount in 2;
But now, for example, is there any command on the Lan network of the AP's that I can inform you that from now on, do you need to find the WLC of the X / Y site?
My AP's are configured with static IP's "set director ip 186.x.x.x. or 201.x ...., but if I configure it by DHCP 43, or DNS, can I get into this scenario?
If ZD drops, even "on the client's local network," do I lose access to the AP, or am I able to access it?
Of course I can create a dns entry on the router, pointing to the other site, can this also work?