You can manually configure your APs to work in your network though...
if you assign some "reserved" IPs outside the scope of addresses given
out by your ZD (which will now only be for clients, right?).
Assign your PC an IP of 192.168.0.x (x = anything but AP's .1 address),
and connect with an Eth cable directly (or as only devices on PoE switch)
and you can SSH to a factory defaulted AP at address, using
super/sp-admin login credentials.
Assign your AP a static IP in your desired network, prior to connecting it there, ie.
set ipaddr ip-address netmask gateway
and then you can also assign your ZoneDirector, using this command:
set director ip zd-ip-addr1 zd-ip-addr2
with up to two ZoneDirectors in the AP's settings. Issue a "reboot" after setting
these IP and ZD details, and you can then move your AP(s) to your LAN.