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Cloudpath wizard release notes

New Contributor II
Our cloudpath server has informed me that there is a new wizard available and recommends we rebuild our workflow to use it.... Problem is, nowhere does it tell you what's changed in the new wizard. I used to go to which did tell me, but of course that web site no longer exists.

Searching through the Ruckus web site for wizard release notes is a bit challenging ...

How are we supposed to get hold of appropriate release notes for a given wizard release 

Contributor III
You can find the release notes on the Snapshot(s) tab for the given workflow you want to upgrade. Image_ images_messages_5f91c435135b77e2479bbffd_9c5b760317eb497919905294d0222562_RackMultipart20180910764495a5m-05891c4a-3684-49e3-8ece-226bec8cfd02-1285719202.png1536595760

New Contributor II
Yup thanks, that eventually appeared on my system, although it was a couple of hours after it told me that there was a new release. Also , trying to find them on the web site wasn't that productive

New Contributor II
Would still be nice to find them on the web site. 5.0.867 just came out but no release notes visible on my server 😞

Takes a few hours. I didn't catch it until the notes were already there. Perhaps it might come faster if you do a manual check for updates in Administration.