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End of sale date

End of support

First supported software release

Last supported software release

Recommended replacement product

R730 2/28/2022 2/28/2027 SZ 3.6.2 AP patch (next supported release 5.1.1) SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) R850
ZD 10.1.2 (next supported release 10.3) ZD 10.5.x
R510 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 3.4 SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) R550
ZD 9.13 ZD 10.5.x
R610 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 3.4.1 AP patch SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) R650
ZD 9.13.2 ZD 10.5.x
R710 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 3.1.1 SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) R750
ZD 9.12 ZD 10.5.x
R720 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 3.5 AP patch SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) R750
ZD 10.0 ZD 10.5.x
T310c/d 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 3.6 AP patch SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) T350c/d
ZD 10.1 ZD 10.5.x
T310n/s 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 3.6 AP patch SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) T350SE
ZD 10.1 ZD 10.5.x
T305i 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 5.1.1 SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) T350c
T305e 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 5.1.1 SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) T350SE
T610 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 3.4.1 AP patch SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) T750
ZD 9.13.3 ZD 10.5.x
T610s 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 3.4.1 AP patch SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) T750se
ZD 9.13.3 ZD 10.5.x
T710 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 3.2.1 SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) T750
ZD 9.13 ZD 10.5.x
T710s 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 3.2.1 SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) T750se
ZD 9.13 ZD 10.5.x
H510 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 3.4 AP patch SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) H550
ZD 9.13.1 ZD 10.5.x
E510 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 3.6 SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) T350
ZD 10.1 ZD 10.5.x
R320 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 5.1 AP patch SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) R350
ZD 10.2 ZD 10.5.x
H320 1/31/2022 1/31/2027 SZ 3.5.1 SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) H350
ZD 10.0 ZD 10.5.x
R700 2/1/2018 2/1/2023 SZ 2.1.2 SZ 5.1.x (AP zone) R610
ZD 9.8 ZD 10.3
R600 4/30/2019 4/30/2024 SZ 2.5.1 SZ 5.2.x (AP zone) R610
ZD 9.8.1 ZD 10.5.x
R500 4/30/2019 4/30/2024 SZ 2.5.1 SZ 5.2.x (AP zone) (doesn't match R510
ZD 9.8.1 EoS announcement)
  ZD 10.5.x
R310 3/31/2021 3/31/2026 SZ 3.2 SZ 6.1.x (AP zone) R320
ZD 9.12.2 ZD 10.5.x
T300, T301n/s 4/30/2019 4/30/2024 SZ 2.5.1 SZ 5.2.x (AP zone) T310c/d, E510, T310n, T310s
ZD 9.8.1 ZD 10.5.x
T504 2/1/2019 2/1/2024 SZ 3.2 SZ 5.2.x (AP zone) T811
H500 11/1/2017 1/11/2022 SZ 3.0 SZ 3.6.x (AP zone) H510
ZD 9.10 ZD 10.1
C500 2/1/2019 8/1/2023 SZ 3.1.1 SZ 3.6.x (AP zone) C110
R300 11/1/2017 11/1/2022 SZ 2.5 SZ 3.6.x (AP zone) R310
ZD 9.7 ZD 10.1.x


End of sale date

End of maintenance

End of support

First supported software release

Last supported software release

Recommended replacement product

SCG200 1/3/2018 1/3/2021 1/3/2023 SCG 1.1.x SZ 3.6.x (for complete feature set 3.4.x) SZ300
SZ100 1/1/2021 1/1/2024 1/1/2026 SZ 3.0.x SZ 6.1.x SZ144
SZ100-D 1/1/2021 1/1/2024 1/1/2026 SZ 5.1.x SZ 6.1.x SZ144-D

New Contributor II

Hello, I have a ZoneDirector with firmware and due to customer requirements it is required to install 2 t350i APs, what firmware or firmware patch can work for me in this case?

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