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the first Ruckus APs "timeline"

New Contributor
Does anyone Know what are the first APs (indoor and outdoor) that were lunched on market. I just wanna know some ruckus APs  background history for a formal presentation to my client.

Contributor II
Those would be the 2942 (dome), 2925(c-shape) and 2741 (outdoor), with the two indoor ones released likely in 2006/2007!  All of these were B/G APs.

New Contributor III
Yes, those MetroFlex and MediaFlex APs must the the first products under the Ruckus label, earlier products were released as V54. I have one MediaFlex 2111 that was build in april 2006. Well-known products with Ruckus technology was the NetGear RangeMax AP. Best selling Wi-Fi AP those days. And this is the first Ruckus advert I am aware of 🙂Image_ images_messages_5f91c443135b77e2479f43f0_4393d8c7c97a874a2eb0018937f92635_RackMultipart20180904361411cm3-05079780-402d-4554-916e-7fb1ccd4ca6f-1847989880.PNG1536045614

New Contributor
I have a number of the mm2211s still working.  I am afraid I will be replacing them soon. What is best way to replace??

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