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Ruckus R500 always create new master every morning

New Contributor
I have 8 Ruckus R500 and frequently create new masters every day and takes a long time create it

And the funny thing is that's always happens in the morning.

I have reset everything back to the factory reset also upgrade the firmware and the result is all wifi running normally, but the next 2 days the same problem occurs again.

can someone explain to me how to fix that problem?

1)Is it about uleashed ? sw ver? What is the problem? Is there an Service impact? If no, let it be master.
2)Looks like topology thing.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Hi Riyan,

I believe the master AP might be rebooting with some issue or was not reachable in the network. So, the new master AP selection process happens and a new master AP is coming online.

I would suggest you to open a ticket with TAC support team when the issue occurs to collect the logs and find the root cause.

- Anusha

New Contributor II
I had something similar, setting all of my APs to static IPs fixed it. What was happening is I would get an email at the same time every day that APs were rejoining... When I looked into the time it was the halfway point of the expiration of the DHCP address, and I could see on the FW the logs that the APs were requesting a renewal of IPs.