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R730 - Can't Login to WebUI or SSH -- Configure.Me never fully connects

New Contributor

Hoping to get some help here. I have a new to me (used from eBay) R730 that I can not do an initial setup on. I have done the following:

Verified my DHCP server is working correctly and verified that the AP is not getting assigned an IP by it. It never is assigned one.
The AP is being powered by POE and I have connected another ethernet cable to the 1g port and manually set my IP to and attempted to connect to the default IP of This never works in a browser nor am I actually able to ping it and get a result. I have attempted the same thing with the SSID over wireless.
I have used the app on my phone to try and connect to the SSID, but that too does not work. I get a message that "You are connected to the however the connection to the Unleashed AP is not established yet. Please wait for the WiFi symbol to appear on the top status bar before continuing." It never fully connects to the wifi.
I have port scanned and can not see the AP.
I have tried to connect via SSH and am unable to
The one way I have been able to connect at all to the AP is via the console. I can connect over serial and check on things, but am not super clear what I can do from here to fix this issue. I have tried setting the IP address manually over the console to something in my subnet, but that does not work. I have verified that DHCP is enabled, but it still never is assigned an IP. I have verified that http/https are enabled as well.

I copied the output from the console on a boot after a factory reset below in case that helps anything. Kind of at a loss here on how to actually connect to this and get it setup, so hopefully someone can offer some guidance.


Server for transport = tcp:1812:1812:scg_radius
proto type = tcp
1812 port = 1812
1812 dport = 1812
Configured dest module =scg_radius
Server for transport = tcp:1813:1813:scg_radius
proto type = tcp
1813 port = 1813
1813 dport = 1813
Configured dest module =scg_radius

***** Ruckus wireless Technologies, Inc. *****
***** mdproxy App *****

dbclient ........ [started] (0.007)

| 3 | tcp | md_proxy | ap_md | 0 | []:9195 | bi-directional | no |
addr =
port = 9195 addr = 100007f
9195 port = 9195

| 2 | tcp | ap_sessmgr | ap_md | 0 | []:9192 | bi-directional | no |
addr =
port = 9192 addr = 100007f
9192 port = 9192
authd ........... [started] (0.064)
nbrd ............ [started] (0.010)
Sending all log to
module name: ap_md Local MAC:|0x187c0b190960|
***** Ruckus wireless Technologies, Inc. *****
***** Msg Distributor *****

| 1 | tcp | ap_md | scg_md | 0 | []:9191 | bi-directional | no |

| 2 | tcp | ap_sessmgr | ap_md | 0 | []:9192 | bi-directional | no |

| 3 | tcp | md_proxy | ap_md | 0 | []:9195 | bi-directional | no |

| 4 | uds_co | ap_wsgclient | ap_md | 0 | /tmp/wsgclient_md | bi-directional | no |

| 5 | tcp | logclient | ap_md | 0 | []:9515 | bi-directional | yes |

| 6 | uds | ap_nbrd | ap_md | 0 | /tmp/nbrd_md | bi-directional | no |

| 7 | uds | ap_ccd | ap_md | 0 | /tmp/ccd_md | bi-directional | no |

| 8 | uds_co | ap_collectd | ap_md | 0 | /tmp/collectd_md | bi-directional | no |

| 9 | uds | ap_hostapd | ap_md | 0 | /tmp/hostapd_md | bi-directional | no |

| 10 | uds | ap_avpd | ap_md | 0 | /tmp/avpd_md | bi-directional | no |

| 11 | uds | ap_ztmd | ap_md | 0 | /tmp/ztmd_md | bi-directional | no |
addr =
port = 9191 addr = 100007f
9191 port = 9191
addr =
port = 9192 addr = 100007f
9192 port = 9192
addr =
port = 9195 addr = 100007f
9195 port = 9195
addr =
port = 9515 addr = 100007f
9515 port = 9515
In WorkerThread
In WorkerThread
In WorkerThread
ftroamd ......... [started] (0.046)
supplicant ...... [started] (0.009)
hostap .......... [started] (0.008)
eth1x ........... [started] (0.007)
auto-prov ....... [started] (0.000)
hub_registrar ... [started] (0.017)
Auto-Provision is not enabled/configured; exiting...
webserver ....... [started] (0.117)
portald ......... [started] (0.009)
led ............. [started] (0.007)
rfwd ............ [started] (0.000)
telnetd ......... [started] (0.013)

lldpd ........... [started] (0.089)
rccd ............ [started] (0.008)
snmpd ........... [started] (0.007)

| 7 | uds | ap_ccd | ap_md | 0 | /tmp/ccd_md | bi-directional | no |
snmptrap ........ [started] (0.070)
tunnelmgr ....... [started] (0.009)
softgremgr ...... [started] (0.009)
softgremgr 1.0 Copyright (C) 2017 Ruckus Wireless
softgre_mgr_log_init: softgre_mgr_log_level_tunnel_id 0
softgre_mgr_log_init: softgre_mgr_log_level 3
meshd ........... [started] (0.008)
tunnelmgr 2.0 Copyright (C) 2011 Ruckus Wireless
tunnelmgr_log_init: tunnelmgr_log_level 3
wrad ............ [started] (0.019)
sntp ............ [started] (0.009)
hotspot-ng ...... [started] (0.007)
mdnsproxy ....... [started] (0.006)
Sending discover...
mdnsfence ....... [started] (2.288)
scgdiscovery .... [started] (0.018)
killall: cubic: no process killed
cubic ........... [started] (0.281)

| 4 | uds_co | ap_wsgclient | ap_md | 0 | /tmp/wsgclient_md | bi-directional | no |
g_srcIp = g_srcMac = 18:7C:0B:19:09:60

| 5 | tcp | logclient | ap_md | 0 | []:9515 | bi-directional | yes |
addr =
port = 9515 addr = 100007f
9515 port = 9515
collectd ........ [started] (0.121)
remoteclid ...... [started] (0.008)
aerosctd ........ [started] (0.008)
ekahaud ......... [started] (0.008)
hs20d ........... [started] (0.008)
Failed to initialize nbrd rksm
clbd ............ [started] (0.039)
sysinfo-archive . [started] (0.007)
admctld ......... [started] (0.007)
zapd ............ [started] (0.000)
Starting zapd...

/usr/sbin/zapd version 1.83.19, Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Ruckus Wireless, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Built Apr 26 2019 at 03:58:13
Channelfly (C) 2010,2011 Ruckus Wireless, Inc.
Channelfly (C) 2010,2011 Ruckus Wireless, Inc.
channelfly ...... [started] (1.021)
mshngrd ......... [started] (0.008)
rfmd ............ [started] (0.007)
authd ........... [started] (0.007)
idm ............. [started] (0.032)
rogued .......... [started] (0.026)
chanbkgndscan ... [started] (0.025)
dnsspoof ........ [started] (0.012)
cpd ............. [started] (0.040)
portal .......... [started] (0.094)
Starting AVPd...

| 10 | uds | ap_avpd | ap_md | 0 | /tmp/avpd_md | bi-directional | no |
avpd ............ [started] (0.238)
Starting URL Filtering...
uf_agent startinG...
uf_agent ........ [started] (0.047)
Starting STATd...
entry_num = 50, volume_threshhold = 500, timer_interval = 300
statd ........... [started] (0.063)
Starting QM_DPI process...
qm_dpi[909]: qm_dpi_daemonlize: 279: INFO : pid of child is 910

qm_dpi .......... [started] (0.040)

| 2 | tcp | ap_sessmgr | ap_md | 0 | []:9192 | bi-directional | no |
addr =
port = 9192 addr = 100007f
9192 port = 9192
Ruckus PoE Manager (C) 2015 Ruckus Wireless Inc.
PoEMgr .......... [started] (0.036)
1QDEV: Eth0 is UP
1QDEV: Eth0 is UP
1QDEV: Eth0 is UP
1QDEV: Eth0 is UP
rsm_lan_1qInit .. [started] (0.009)
bbada ........... [started] (0.007)
iot ............. [started] (0.008)
dwpd ............ [started] (0.008)
gapd ............ [started] (0.008)
dnsmasq ......... [started] (0.007)
linkd ........... [started] (0.008)
rsmd: started 84/86 modules -
modprobe: module usbserial.ko not found in modules.dep
Sending discover...
[ 36.454366] osif_nss_vdev_up:mode =0
Sending discover...
IoT application not running before cold plugging
Copyright(C) 2018 Ruckus Wireless, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

** Ruckus R730 Multimedia Hotzone Wireless AP: 451809011871

rkscli: set iotg-usb-presence Undetected
IoT Presence event 0
IoT process is not running... pushing the usb event to queue
rkscli: vm.drop_caches = 3

Please login: Sending discover...
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
--> Last Reboot Reason: user reboot

$Usage: /etc/init.d/udhcpc {deconfig|bound|renew|nak}
No lease, forking to background
nbrd ............ [stopped] (0.006)
nbrd ............ [started] (0.009)
Try "ndisc6 -h" for more information.
clbd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
Failed to initialize nbrd rksm
clbd ............ [started] (0.034)
rogued .......... [stopped] (0.007)
rogued .......... [started] (0.026)
--> wifi0: CHANNEL-CHANGE-EXT.indication: Ch=8, Width=HE20
[ 110.505818] osif_nss_vdev_up:mode =0
nbrd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
nbrd ............ [started] (0.008)
Try "ndisc6 -h" for more information.
clbd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
Failed to initialize nbrd rksm
clbd ............ [started] (0.019)
rogued .......... [stopped] (0.007)
rogued .......... [started] (0.016)
nbrd ............ [stopped] (0.006)
nbrd ............ [started] (0.008)
Try "ndisc6 -h" for more information.
clbd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
Failed to initialize nbrd rksm
clbd ............ [started] (0.019)
rogued .......... [stopped] (0.006)
rogued .......... [started] (0.016)
nbrd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
nbrd ............ [started] (0.008)
Try "ndisc6 -h" for more information.
clbd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
Failed to initialize nbrd rksm
clbd ............ [started] (0.019)
rogued .......... [stopped] (0.007)
rogued .......... [started] (0.015)
nbrd ............ [stopped] (0.006)
nbrd ............ [started] (0.008)
/bin/sh: can't create Read-only file system
rsmd_task: monitor time 10

clbd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
Failed to initialize nbrd rksm
clbd ............ [started] (0.018)
rogued .......... [stopped] (0.007)
rogued .......... [started] (0.016)
nbrd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
nbrd ............ [started] (0.008)
--> wifi0: CHANNEL-CHANGE-EXT.indication: Ch=6, Width=HE20
[ 396.814789] osif_nss_vdev_up:mode =0
Try "ndisc6 -h" for more information.
clbd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
Failed to initialize nbrd rksm
clbd ............ [started] (0.018)
rogued .......... [stopped] (0.007)
rogued .......... [started] (0.016)
nbrd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
nbrd ............ [started] (0.008)
Try "ndisc6 -h" for more information.
clbd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
Failed to initialize nbrd rksm
clbd ............ [started] (0.019)
rogued .......... [stopped] (0.007)
rogued .......... [started] (0.016)
nbrd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
nbrd ............ [started] (0.008)
Try "ndisc6 -h" for more information.
clbd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
Failed to initialize nbrd rksm
clbd ............ [started] (0.018)
rogued .......... [stopped] (0.006)
rogued .......... [started] (0.015)
nbrd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
nbrd ............ [started] (0.008)
Try "ndisc6 -h" for more information.
clbd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
Failed to initialize nbrd rksm
clbd ............ [started] (0.019)
rogued .......... [stopped] (0.008)
rogued .......... [started] (0.016)
nbrd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
nbrd ............ [started] (0.008)
Try "ndisc6 -h" for more information.
clbd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
Failed to initialize nbrd rksm
clbd ............ [started] (0.019)
rogued .......... [stopped] (0.007)
rogued .......... [started] (0.016)

Please login: super
password :
Login incorrect

Please login: super
password :
Copyright(C) 2018 Ruckus Wireless, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

** Ruckus R730 Multimedia Hotzone Wireless AP: 451809011871

rkscli: get version
Ruckus R730 Multimedia Hotzone Wireless AP
rkscli: get ipaddr wan
IP Address: (dynamic, vlan 1), IP: Netmask Gateway
rkscli: nbrd ............ [stopped] (0.006)
nbrd ............ [started] (0.008)
Try "ndisc6 -h" for more information.
clbd ............ [stopped] (0.007)
Failed to initialize nbrd rksm
clbd ............ [started] (0.020)
rogued .......... [stopped] (0.006)
rogued .......... [started] (0.016)



Contributor III

Since the AP is up and running, once you got the serial connected, you can hopefully do an upgrade to the latest solo firmware via tftp:- 

Yeah, so that's what I've been trying to work towards doing (I actually bought 3 of these and only 1 got an IP right out the gate, updating firmware per your guide). The problem I'm having with updating the firmware over tftp is that I can't get the AP to communicate outside it's own network. I can see everything via the console, I can manually set my IP on my computer to be in the same subnet, but I can ever get the two to talk to each other. I have yet to successfully have the AP ping the computer I'm on or have the computer I'm on ping the AP. It's frustrating as I feel like I'm very close but don't know what I'm missing to be able to actually connect to this. I have a tftp server running, just can't get the AP to actually see it.