12-19-2024 10:16 AM
No idea how to fix this. The "Recommended Action" is "Check and configure missing VLAN, or ensure type (untagged/tagged) match on both ends of the connection."
The settings for the AP show it's a trunk port, VLAN Untagged ID is 1 (Default), with "VLAN Members" = 1-4094 ( which I assume means it will take just about any VLAN ) and 802.1x is "Off".
The settings for the switch under the VLAN tab show VLAN 1 and VLAN 101. All the untagged ports are listed in the row for VLAN 1. There are no tagged ports listed.
The graphic ( shared link above ) shows a red line between the switch and the AP, with a green checkmark next to "VLAN 1" below the line, and a red exclamation point next to "VLAN 3000" above the line.
The only common factor I can find among the three wireless access points that are showing this "Mismatch VLAN 3000" is that that are not the same model as all our other APs. We have almost exclusively Model R550, while these three problem children are T350D and T350SE. They've all been recently rebooted. This weekend, we will update the firmware.
Any clues would be appreciated.