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Is there a way to script a reboot on the R700

New Contributor II
Is there a way to script a reboot on the R700?s like a cronjob that resets them at a given time, or every 24 hours, i find the double in performance after a reboot. I have 8 R700's on a zone director 3000 and one standalone (elsewhere)


New Contributor
Can you post an example script for:

Contributor III
If you look at the ruckusconf script here:
You'll see a few examples embedded in the "source" of the script itself.

If you're specifically looking for an example of rebooting an individual AP though the controller, here it is:
./ruckusconf --debug --command 'rksap_cli -a 24:c9:a1:29:47:a0 "reboot"'

In this example, the IP refers to your controller and the MAC address refers to your AP.

The commandline would be very different if you wanted to use ruckusconf to contact the AP directly. (as opposed to going through the controller)
That (I believe) would be:
./ruckusconf --ap --command "reboot"
where the IP refers to the AP and not the controller.

Also, I've got some new code that allows me to schedule commands on the controller without using cron, so I don't have to embed passwords into a cron job.
If there's interest in that, I could post it as well.

Thank you for all your assistance. I would be very interested in your new code. Thanks again.

Yes, I would like to see the new code that would allow to schedule commands on the controller without using cron. Thanks!

OK. There's a new version of the ruckusconf script to support that capability.
(and a new script that calls it)
So if (for some reason) you want the old version of ruckusconf, you should download that now before I upload new revisions.