Michael is correct there is no specific client history usage. You cannot drill down to find that one (?) client using too much bandwidth.
Depending on APs/ZD/firmware level there are stats that show breakdowns by application usage rather than client over specified periods.
Most of the general stats are near real time so you have to be viewing ZD dashboard to get an idea of what is going on, not ideal.
Dashboard widget that might at least give you somewhere to start:

[School and it's Summer holiday hence low client count - for those who query these things]
The AP stats will show you throughput numbers for the AP and it's connected clients so you can at least narrow it down a little.
There are settings that let you throttle the clients bandwidth per SSID. So for instance you could throttle "guest" and keep "staff" at unchanged if you have your wifi split into meaningful SSIDs. If it really is just a few problematic clients they would be penalised and others hardly notice. Again not ideal.
Might (if lucky) get someone complaining they sufddenly had a "slow" link.
It wouldn't take many clients watching 720p youtube to max out a 100mbps internet link.
Without details of your environment it's difficult to be helpful.