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Dream WiFi Setup

New Contributor
My new home came pre-wired for 3 apps with cat 6. They tried to push me to the “pakedge” ap’s but I’m not really interested in them. I’d like to go with 3 R850’s, all on the cloud. Thoughts? Btw, its a “U” shaped home that’s 1 story and 5200 SF.


Contributor III
I would probably start with a floor plan, 5200 Sqft is fairly large. I have a 3000Sqft house covered by a single R610, and that coverage extends over my garden, and back yard area, and is capable of running my Alexa's in the garage. I added a T300 in the garage recently to test MESH performance and to allow the kids to play Roblox in the front of the house with their IPADs (other kids use our wifi too while social distancing).
Next, I'd ID which devices you're going to use, IPADs, and ios/mobile devices may need an AP 'closer' depending on your needs.
Lastly, do you have any other smart devices? We have a Rachio on the very far side of our house, and we occasionally use the smart TV in our travel trailer on the corner of our property (7600 sqft Lot). With these devices, the second MESH AP creates 4k capable Wi-Fi outside of our home. Currently, my Ruckus APs are supporting 35 devices.
I hope that helps.
Otherwise, I do very much love R610s.