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Connect R500 AP to cloud vSZ

New Contributor III
Dear Ruckus users,

I've been working on a vSZ deployment for a while late last year and got it working with a testAP and was very impressed. Now, we've got some projects that will finally utilize our cloud-connected vSZ. However, I cannot seem to get any AP connected anymore. When testing, I did not stick to the rule of documenting everything, so I forgot how I managed to connect an Ruckus AP to our cloudconnected vSZ.

This week I've been searching the net for an answer, but either my AP is bugging out of on me (new R500) or the "guides" are far from complete.

This situation is the following:- vSZ hosted on a vmware platform in the cloud
- vSZ is behind a firewall, but I've opened all necessary ports.
- vSZ was unchanged from our testing period until last night. Last night I decided to upgrade from 3.1.1 to 3.2.1 (patch 3) to try that out.
- AP's are behind a NAT router.
- I've tried firmware versions 9.8.x, 200.x (unleashed, yay!) and 100.1. Currently the AP's are on 100.1

What have i tried:
- Rebooting the vSZ
- Upgrading the vSZ to 3.2.1 to be able to create a GRE tunnel (Ruckus GRE tunnel did not show up in 3.1.1)
- set discovery agent enable
- lwapp2scg > policy accept-all
- DHCP option 43 (which is a bitch on Sonicwall due to Hex config)
- DNS entries for zonedirector.ruckus.local && ruckuscontroller.ruckus.local (if i remember the entry correctly)
- Tried from several different networks
- tried set scg ip     Command is not accepted in 100.1  I remember it working last year, after which I saw the AP showing up on the vSZ shortly after.
- tried set director ip a million times. Until last nights vSZ update it showed the ip (in get director command) as primary, but said the AP was still standalone. After last nights update the AP now shows the following after that command:

 Warning: AP is in ZoneDirector-Managed mode
          Current or latest ZoneDirector: / 00:00:00:00:00:00
          Any configuration changes made in CLI may conflict
          with the ZoneDirector's management and
          will cause undefined results.
rkscli: get director
------ ZoneDirector Info ------
Primary Controller   :
Secondary Controller : n/a
DHCP Opt43 Code      : 3

The information of the most recent Zone Director:
No info

  AP is under management of ZoneDirector: / 00:00:00:00:00:00,
  Currently AP is in state: IMAGE

This morning I set the AP back to factory defaults and started monitoring the network traffic in the firewall, but the packet inspection is kinda basic in the web gui. I could see a lot of DNS requests. After setting the director and rebooting, i saw DNS traffic, LWAPP broadcast in the local domain and after a minute or so i started contacting the vSZ on ports 23233 and after that a lot of FTP traffic back and forth. However, 2 hours later the AP still didn't show up on the vSZ and contacting the AP through SSH still shows the above error.

To me it seems that the AP is clueless where to actually contact the director. I really have no idea any more what to do. I've spent countless hours on troubleshooting this. Anyone who has an idea on how to move forward? Can anyone confirm 100.1.x is even the right SW version for the AP?

EDIT: some of the links i've used:!/4de82f7f008f3cb343977023611036ed552a71ca/page-260569444487667766-how-to-a...

Valued Contributor
HI Werme,

So some steps to assist.

The AP should be running either 100.x or 3.x software.
Not 9.x

When the AP has 100.x software you can do the set director with the IP of the control plane of the vSZ and then reboot AP.
Wait a few minutes and then it will appear in the staging zone.

Kind regards

Contributor III
Whats does the fw show all command return?

If the AP's are being a NAT you need to ensure that you configure your Zone to accommodate Ruckus GRE:
Image_ images_messages_5f91c42f135b77e2479aa91b_ad0f6ddcdaefa61756f8259775cfd0ea_RackMultipart201608121214781lr-769d2523-a0d9-4a95-8f34-7b2d209b3f01-509391177.png1470992629

And then in the zone you need to map the tunnel type:
Image_ images_messages_5f91c42f135b77e2479aa91b_41299372492df5c0911952f1650e17b8_RackMultipart2016081238029kjvz-098c201c-fc5e-42da-bd35-8829de5a245e-881560615.png1470992796

Also what is the latency between the vSZ and the AP as anything higher than 150ms will not work.

New Contributor III
Hi Martin,

That's just the thing. I'm running version 100.1 and tried it set it through SSH several times now. Here are the commands I've tried:

Session 1
rkscli: set factory
Factory defaults will take effect after reboot

rkscli: reboot

Session 2
login as: super

Please login: super
password :
Copyright(C) 2005-2014 Ruckus Wireless, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

** Ruckus R500 Multimedia Hotzone Wireless AP: 251602606536

rkscli: get director
------ ZoneDirector Info ------
Primary Controller   : n/a
Secondary Controller : n/a
DHCP Opt43 Code      : 3
  AP is in Stand-alone mode.
rkscli: set director ip
** Please reboot for this change to take effect
rkscli: reboot

Session 3
login as: super
Please login: super
password :
Copyright(C) 2005-2014 Ruckus Wireless, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

** Ruckus R500 Multimedia Hotzone Wireless AP: 251602606536

 Warning: AP is in ZoneDirector-Managed mode
          Current or latest ZoneDirector: / 00:00:00:00:00:00
          Any configuration changes made in CLI may conflict
          with the ZoneDirector's management and
          will cause undefined results.
rkscli: get director
------ ZoneDirector Info ------
Primary Controller   :
Secondary Controller : n/a
DHCP Opt43 Code      : 3

The information of the most recent Zone Director:
No info

  AP is under management of ZoneDirector: / 00:00:00:00:00:00,
  Currently AP is in state: IMAGE
rkscli: show version
Command is not recognized: show version

rkscli: get version
Ruckus R500 Multimedia Hotzone Wireless AP

New Contributor III

I've created the GRE tunnel exactly like described in Ruckus documentation and you're screenshots. Sadly, to no avail.

The command returns the following:
rkscli: fw show all

control file /writable/fw/main.cntl not in flash
current primary boot image is Image2
Magic:        RCKS
next_image:   0x130000
invalid:      0
hdr_len:      160
compression:  l7
load_address: 0x80080000
entry_point:  0x80300A90
timestamp:    Wed May 18 08:18:19 2016
binl7_len:    17940320
hdr_version:  4
hdr_cksum:    0xCDD7
version:     ( )
MD5:          6EA22AEE84D67C084D5B47727FD48AB4
product:      zf7752    (0)
architecture: 1
chipset:      3
board_type:   0
board_class:  3
Magic:        RCKS
next_image:   0x130000
invalid:      0
hdr_len:      160
compression:  l7
load_address: 0x80080000
entry_point:  0x802F3CA0
timestamp:    Wed Oct 21 01:05:21 2015
binl7_len:    9572192
hdr_version:  3
hdr_cksum:    0xFE71
version:     ( )
MD5:          0FE0E136AA1C44840DC4377C02D4AB6E
product:      zf7752    (0)
architecture: 1
chipset:      3
board_type:   0
board_class:  3

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