Hi Jerry,
You mention a problem with one 7982(?). Have there been any changes to
the environment around this AP, like contstruction, new heating/AC, electrical,
etc? Have you done any troubleshooting? Have you looked at the AP support
info for Athstats (indicating interference near the AP), and the Syslog of events?
If you don't have a controller managing your AP, reboot it once in a while, so the
SmartSelect algorithm can choose best 2.4/5G channels at that time. And run
the latest firmware available, which will have the most up to date bug fixes and
enhancements, ie.
https://support.ruckuswireless.com/software/1017-zoneflex-solo-access-point-104-0-0-0-1347-ga-softwa... Or if you like Gary, have a ZD controller managing your AP, upgrade (after backups)
to latest firmware for the same reasons, and that would be 9.12.3 MR3 Refresh, with
RNs and FW at these links:
https://support.ruckuswireless.com/documents/1147-zoneflex-9-12-3-mr3-refresh-release-notes https://support.ruckuswireless.com/software/1010-zd3000-9-12-3-0-34-mr3-refresh-software-release