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7731 RB -NBR Problem

New Contributor II
I am trying to setup a link with a Root Bridge to a Non Root bridge. Once I choose a channel I am getting a good link. The Up/Down is 10/9 and RSSI is 39/36. From my understanding this is a descent link. However when I run the SpeedFlex test I am loosing a high percentage of packets and the throughput is low. I pull the logs and can see there is interference,but I am at a lost as to why the throughput is so slow. I ran some speedtest and was getting less than a meg. Any suggestions or where to troubleshoot.


Here are the errors I'm getting from the log file. I need to get this resolved as soon as possible because I need to start putting customers on this link. OUr distance is 27KM. and the throughput is between 1-3MegImage_ images_messages_5f91c46c135b77e247a7980f_2bd26c3d2af57b96555796f225bf94a2_RackMultipart20150318282911pq8-cfb17192-33fd-4f22-a72d-ba6643469139-2077138593.jpg1426685491

hi Kenny.

As per log messages, NRB is getting deautheticated because Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated STA. this happens because NRB attempted to transfer data before it was authenticated.

this is happening almost every minute.

I think this is NOT a real issue but a transient one. You mentioned that link is for 27 KM and is it using external antenna? Is it aimed correctly?

Can you reboot the link and then run the test. Does it give you a better results?
Is the throughput degrading over a period of time?

Well what I don't under stand is three weeks ago we were getting about 20megs on this link. I then tried to change it to a 40mhz channel to increase the bandwidth. Once I did that the whole link went to crap. I am not an expert with these radios. Im just trying to figure out why the bandwidth went down so much. Nothing has changed.

We added a bigger antenna, so if anything the link should have improved. I just cant look at the log and see what needs to be troubleshot. I rebooted the RB side.

I am getting into the RB remotely. I am also having a hard time getting to the NRB through the web. It is very slow and does not want to connect all the time. It also doesnt display the pages very well

Kenny, could you please open a TAC case to live troubleshoot the issue?

Does that require the full support contract? I am working on getting our contract updated. Also would a firmware upgrade possible help?