Hello David, you won't be able to Telnet (tcp:23) to ZD, but does SSH (tcp:22) work?
If so, you login with your admin credentials.
Good that you can open a browser session, and do not see Rescue Mode screen.
What version is the ZD1100 running now?
It appears you are pointing to the upgrade image? Release Notes say it
should upgrade from ok.
If you initiate the upgrade, start a continuous ping to the ZD's IP address and watch
the Status LED along with the upgrade screen.
ZD1100 may perform the upgrade and reboot successfully without taking you back
to the login screen. But if you see the continuous pings fail and see the LEDs go
from flashing red, to blank, to green, then the ZD upgrade may have completed ok.
Try opening/refreshing a browser session and check version on Dashboard, System
Overview. But be patient, as the ZD1100 could take up to 20 minutes to upgrade.