12-16-2024 09:06 PM
I referred the below KB article for the TACACS+ and ZD login
I would like to have super admin access through Tacacs+, but I got Read Only admin access.
# Network Administrator group
group = netadmin {
# netadmin group for super admin access
default service = permit
service = zd-login {
priv-lvl = 15
user = spope {
member = netadmin
ZD 1200:
Please login: spope
Welcome to the Ruckus Wireless ZoneDirector 1200 Command Line Interface
ruckus> enable
ruckus# config
Sorry, you have no this right.
12-16-2024 10:45 PM
It seems like the service name must be zd-login, actual I didn't use zd-login.