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Im running firmware. Clients are getting dropped randomly

New Contributor II
Im running firmware. I have one site on my system that is having all kinds of problems with staying connected to the network. The wireless device will connect to one ssid and than randomly disconnect and have a mic error code or loss on connection like it loses its pre shared key. I can move to another access point and it will connect just fine. It seems very random. It started basically day one so I did an upgrade and now the ap's are in alarm. They are being flagged. Ruckus says just ignore the flagged error if they are not dropping. Well they are dropping clients. Anyone see this before.

New Contributor III
stuff to check:

Channelfly - do you have this enabled? Do client disconnections tie in with channelfy events (when CF changes the channel).

a CSA (channel switch announcement) is used notifying a client when an AP is changing channel however after using Ruckus stuff for many years with 40k+ AP's I frequently see stations not following the CSA and getting disconnected. Also if your using channelfly, when an AP is rebooted (as in the case of your firmware upgrade) CF must reassess every channel which usually results in AP's rapidly switching channel for anywhere upto 24 hours, user service during this period can be very flaky. 

Same deal for DFS. Are you seeing DFS events taking place which correlate to users disconnecting. This is a pretty common one for 5G clients getting disconnected when using the DFS channels.

To add to this comment, if you are not using ChannelFly - what is your background scanning interval set to? By default I believe it's set to 20s, which is great for initial setup - but if it's been running for awhile, I would set it to the best practice of 3600s.

Backround Scanning on Both 2.4 and 5.  They are set to 20 seconds.  These ap's have been in since August. 

Set it to 3600 for both bands and see if that helps.

I made the change to 3600 on both.  I ll see what happens over the next couple of days.