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2 SSID's to 1 WLAN?

New Contributor
We are looking to see if it is possible to setup multiple ESSID’s on a single WLAN through the Ruckus ZoneDirector software. We have a requirement that would necessitate the need to set up 2 or more SSID’s over a single WLAN as opposed to configuring a number of ESSID’s to an equal number of WLAN with all assigned to a common WLAN Group.

I'm not very good at networking so can you please guide me step by step in Ruckus menu?

This is accomplished by configuring the VLAN ID within the Advanced Options of the Configure WLANs tab (highlighted in Red below):
Image_ images_messages_5f91c46e135b77e247a827dd_ca10515def51c416c526753e270593c6_RackMultipart2016012312274ih4u-827a272d-1643-40a4-89db-7008b1e3c6e9-74081551.png1453511159
The port that is facing the AP will then need to be a trunk port to accomodate the VLANs you have configure for each of your WLAN's and AP management.

Note: All ports facing AP's and switch uplink ports need to be configured as trunk and have the same VLAN's applied that you are running.

I am asssuming that you have Cisco switches, so the commands would be as follows, based on the AP's being in the native vlan (VLAN 1) and the WLAN's being 336 and 337:
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allow vlan 1,336,337
Also make sure you populate the VLAN database with your VLAN's or it will not work:

Configure the VLAN on Catalyst 3550, 3750, 4500/4000, and 6500/6000 Switches That Run Cisco IOS Soft...

Switch#vlan database
Switch(vlan)#vlan 336

VLAN 336 added: Name: VLAN0336

Switch(vlan)#vlan 337

VLAN 337 added: Name: VLAN0337 Switch(vlan)#exit
Configure the VLAN on Catalyst 2900XL, 3500XL, 2950, 2970, and 2940 Series Switches
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# vlan 336
Switch(config-vlan)# name VLAN336
Switch(config)# vlan 337
Switch(config-vlan)# name VLAN337
You will obvioulsy then have to create 2 DHCP pools which will hand out IP addresses to the appropriate WLAN VLAN's.

I have HP, but thx, now I know what to look for.

Glad to be off assistance

Good luck with it all 🙂