Good morning,
We don't have an Unleashed firmware for 7982 due to CPU/RAM limitations in prior to 802.11ac models.
I created a spreadsheet to show What APs are Supported in What ZoneDirector Versions, KBA-6452 that
I hope will help customers. The ZD1200 is first supported by ZD (GA) release, and supports the 7982 model AP clear
through to current (MR1) code. Controller administration is centralized, cleaner, and you buy
support on the ZD for as many APs as needed, with usage visibility, reporting, alerts, etc. You *can* configure 5 x 7982s on Solo/Standalone code, with identical SSIDs and will still work in most
environments, except that roaming between APs will require re-authentication (not a big deal if only using
L2 WPA passphrase encryption versus L3 AAA/RADIUS level authentication), and might introduct a blip
in streaming audio/video, but ought to work as a least cost solution, depending on client application needs.
Using a controller also allows you to use Mesh, to extend the 7982 coverage further than wired ports.