Thanks Sean,
My DHCP leases on my router are set to the default which is 1500minutes so i guess that rules that out, but then, should my AP match the router or is there no way of altering the AP as im on stand alone firmware?
My iPhone also doesn't seem to always connect straight away when i have been out of the building and return, and sometimes its a fair few minutes before it does connect.
My only reason of concern with the logs is that again i got up this morning to find my phone had dropped back to 4G, and when i checked the log again when i got up, it showed a channel fly, just before the kickoff (AID 1) which now appears the reason that my phone was disconnected, but then reconnected when i unlocked it. (the last actual wifi use was around 11pm as i check emails before i go to bed).
What i don't understand is why it gets kicked (Aid 1, and then also Reason 0) but then doesn't reconnect? There is plenty of signal there.
The frustrating things is, is that this doesn't happen every night, and when it does, the log seems to show a different reason each time, although not always.
If need be, i will open a support ticket, however, i'm not overly convinced there is a solution.