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H500 keeps updating configuration

New Contributor III
I have a SCG SmartZone 104 with OS version ( the recommended one).
I have a Cisco network. I have configured the DHCP server with option 43 related to Ruckus.
Now I plug in R500s and it gets an IP adress and loads the OS and the configuration and works fine.
When I plug in the H500s it gets an IP adress, gets detected by the SZ but keeps in the updating configuration phase. As you can see in the attached picture, it keeps updating the configuration until it is disconnected.

Thank you for your attention,Image_ images_messages_5f91c3e2135b77e2478c836b_65f5f38d91494fe1971a4e6377d67366_RackMultipart20170717479371v3d-54e83d13-003a-4d22-bb87-6179034aadee-664163158.png1500286940 

Valued Contributor
Check old cert or new.

New Contributor III
Hi Jeronimo,

Thank you for your response,

I am kind of new to Ruckus, could you guide me how to check the cert?


Valued Contributor
Hi yassine.

First, you must check fw version onto AP cli.

If you can find 3.4.x version onto AP, type this command as "get rpki-cert issuer"

If you can see "Ruckus Wireless, Inc.", then it's old cert.

If you can see "RuckusPKI-DeviceSubCA-1 or 2", then it's new cert.

Unfortunatly, if you find 10x.x version onto AP,  you can't confirm it using cli.

Then type this command as "no ap-cert-check" onto SZ100.

If it is successful provision after typing above command,  that has old cert.

Type command again as "ap-cert-check".


New Contributor III
Hi Jeronimo,

I have checked all the APs and they have the new cert, the problem still persists.
