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Any suggestions to help prevent illegal torrent downloads

New Contributor

We are a 100 room hotel and we have recently purchased a ZD1200 and 6 x R500 which work in conjunction with a Peplink Balance 20 to provide better bandwidth using 2 x ip's.

I am concerned about having hotel guests downloading movies or music from illegal P2P or torrent sites. The reason is because our internet provider will soon determine that our IP address is frequenting downloading from these sites to often and we will get a warning letter and then they may cut us off. This has already happened in the USA and now Canada (our location) is also starting to follow suite. I can continue to operate with a blind eye or I can take some preventive measures to avoid this serious potential issue in the years to come. Because of our type of guests I am sure that there is a high percentage of illegal downloads taking place on a weekly basis. However, I still want our guests to be able to access legal sites like Netflix or Skype, etc.

Does anyone have some suggestions or recommendations that can be enabled in the ZD1200 or R500's to help with this issue?

FYI, the new system runs great. Only issue I see so far is that most of the iOS iPhone users have a low signal strength while windows and android users have a much higher signal strength. IE: Most likely the iOS software is not automatically reconnecting to the new stronger AP and holding on to the initial connection site. Read this in another article and I may have to implement the recommended solution of adding code to force them to monitor and reconnect.


New Contributor

Thanks Jason, Monnat Systems and RBGE.

I certainly will invest in a new firewall for the public side of our internet system. I was already looking for a replacement firewall for our private side of the network which is separate.

Tips on the iPhone weak signal options are also appreciated.