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SCI 1.1 Transform/Load Job Status Failed with Error Code 26

New Contributor
I have SCI 1.1 which failed to collect data from vSCG 2.5 . The error log says
"Update dimension table.0 - ERROR (version 4.4.1-GA, build 18329 from 2013-04-17 12.31.49 by buildguy) : Error initializing step [Update dimension table]"
The system is installed on CentOS release 6.2 with HDD 4 TB and Memory 32 GB which meets the minimum requirement. It worked once for about one day and now it failed. All the service show UP and SCG reachability show OK on monitor page of SCI.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Hi Tay Zar Lwin,

The reported issue needs some more data, apart from the provided error log message and analysis to find the root cause of this failure. Could you please go ahead and open a support case, so that we can provide you the steps to collect the required data in finding the reason for this issue.