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What is the best solution for home?

New Contributor
Which series and AP's is the best for home and SMB? Not very large territory with a lot of glass, partitions, clothes, may be pipes, refrigerator etc.

New Contributor III
R320 unleashed or R510 unleashed if you want to use the Mesh feature (use some AP's as repeaters with power connection only and no CAT cabling)
trust me, I do this all the time.

I don't need mesh. It's all about wire. In home it will be about 10 users in the same time. R510 supports up to 512, it's too much. h510 is half price of r510. I am thinking about h510 (or h320). In small office it wil be about 30-40 users. I think h510 will be enough for that case too.

If everything will be wired, and from a performance perspective, just about anything will work.  I suspect you won't need cellular or cable directly terminated on the WAP, so no C110 or M510.  Go with the low cost.