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Monitor number of clients for each managed AP group in ZD

New Contributor II
I would like to know if there is any way to monitor number of clients for each managed AP group in ZoneDirector (ZD 1025). 

I can see this information in its web GUI under "Monitor" tab > "Access Points" > "Currently Managed AP Groups".
Image_ images_messages_5f91c3e9135b77e2478de299_627c8dc197dbcb1e76b308cd2e1f8f12_RackMultipart20160819411425pec-f0c3599f-9726-4ce3-b7ce-218a9552519c-1809261398.png1471577703

However I cannot find a straightforward way to collect this information periodically other than a very conventional way by manually logging-in to the web GUI and taking screenshot of this info. 

I tried adding ZD to Cacti monitoring tools but all that it can report is the total number of all connected clients, meanwhile what I want is separated per AP group.

Is there any solution for this need? (other than purchasing FlexMaster - it seems overkill and too pricey considering my need is only to monitor total clients per AP group)

Esteemed Contributor II
Not in todays code, so you would need to ask your Ruckus SE to submit a Field Request.