2.) Use the "Active TCL" (
https://www.activestate.com/activetcl) and the included "Teapot" (TCL Package Manager) to install the "Expect" Module, via the Command Line Interface (cmd).
You will also need an "SSH Client" to Remotely Connect to your "Ruckus" Device. a couple options are "OpenSSH" (
http://www.mls-software.com/opensshd.html) and/or the "Putty" SSH/Telnet Client Suite (
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html). Download the "Putty" .zip file, which contains all of the "Putty" applications, as you're going to need "Plink" to Automate the SSH Connection.
You can then replace the "Linux Shell" (sh) Commands w/ "Windows/DOS" Commands or use a Scripting Language, such as the previously installed "TCL" or perhaps "Perl/Python". Both "Perl" & "Python" have their own variations of the "Expect" Module (Expect, WinExpect, wExpect, pExpect, etc).
In my opinion, the simplest route is likely to go w/ option #1 (Cygwin), since everything can be installed using the "Cygwin Package Manager" (TCL, Expect, SSH, etc). However, I personally use option #2 (TCL w/ Expect Module, OpenSSH & Putty/Plink, along w/ cmd/vbscript & occasionally Python/pExpect or Perl/Expect).
Hope I was able to offer some additional insight!