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New Village Builders / Lennar Home - Ruckus and Xfinity Setup

New Contributor III
Hello I just bought a Lennar Home and it come with the Ruckus and wireless access point. Being a networking noob and with the covid situation causing Amazon appointments 30-45 days away, I have to do DIY install to ensure I get internet in the house !  I have ordered an Arris Surfboard 6183 and TP Link 1750 modem and router for the home and we'll have xfinity internet. Can someone please help me on how to get the setup working? i.e. where do i connect the model to the co-ax cable? 

The documentation I received from the builder shows - gateway to Ruckus ethernet connection, but nowhere it talks about connecting the co-axial cable to the modem. I have attached a picture of how our box looks now. I need help telling which where to place the modem and which coaxial cable to use to connect it? I believe once i get the modem hooked up then i can use the TP Link to connect to the modem and then hardwire the ruckus to the TP Link router,  Appreciate any help that I can get ! Image_ images_messages_5f91c3fd135b77e24790d9bf_3a51e92273b98fb7156ea84e3bee8f23_RackMultipart2020072760733lo7t-ca697e48-26f7-46a0-a21c-7c03551653fd-39463620.jpg1595857656

Community Admin
Community Admin
Hi Pushpa,

Just trying to give you some guidelines but not sure if you will be able to fully configure everything as modem and ICX configuration may also required to complete the setup.

You need:
  1. Internet connection (you already have from xfinity).
  2. Cable modem (you have Arris Surfboard 6183 for that).
  3. Ethernet cables to connect modem to ICX and ICX to APs. 
Below should be the physical connection flow.
  1. xfinity internet connection will connect to docsis port of the cable modem (highlighted below).
  2. From the modem, use the LAN port and connect it to ICX switch (use one of the available 1Gig ethernet ports).
  3. Connect APs to ICX switch on any available 1G ports (ports are highlighted below).

Syamantak Omer
RUCKUS Networks, CommScope!
Follow me on LinkedIn

Community Admin
Community Admin
Hi Pushpa,

Just trying to give you some guidelines but not sure if you will be able to fully configure everything as modem and ICX configuration may also required to complete the setup.

You need:
  1. Internet connection (you already have from xfinity).
  2. Cable modem (you have Arris Surfboard 6183 for that).
  3. Ethernet cables to connect modem to ICX and ICX to APs. 
Below should be the physical connection flow.
  1. xfinity internet connection will connect to docsis port of the cable modem (highlighted below).
  2. From the modem, use the LAN port and connect it to ICX switch (use one of the available 1Gig ethernet ports).
  3. Connect APs to ICX switch on any available 1G ports (ports are highlighted below).
Image_ images_messages_5f91c45a135b77e247a3f03e_36ebd7408f1c42bed71a65195740372d_RackMultipart202007271010116k5-965a00ee-6f8f-4acf-a7c2-063af97468ed-237350398.png1595868122

Syamantak Omer

Syamantak Omer
RUCKUS Networks, CommScope!
Follow me on LinkedIn

Community Admin
Community Admin
Hi Pushpa,

Just trying to give you some guidelines but not sure if you will be able to fully configure everything as modem and ICX configuration may also required to complete the setup.

You need:
  1. Internet connection (you already have from xfinity).
  2. Cable modem (you have Arris Surfboard 6183 for that).
  3. Ethernet cables to connect modem to ICX and ICX to APs. 
Below should be the physical connection flow.
  1. xfinity internet connection will connect to docsis port of the cable modem (highlighted below).
  2. From the modem, use the LAN port and connect it to ICX switch (use one of the available 1Gig ethernet ports).
  3. Connect APs to ICX switch on any available 1G ports (ports are highlighted below).
Image_ images_messages_5f91c45a135b77e247a3f2ad_b4bc05d716ab290fc1c27f627111d23c_RackMultipart202007271025931os-9d9d833c-235f-4f6f-abdb-a3cadb568b3b-1249362213.png1595877537
*Click on the image to see in full size.


Syamantak Omer
RUCKUS Networks, CommScope!
Follow me on LinkedIn