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SZ100-D port question

New Contributor III
Hi everybody,

Have a question about the SZ100-D ports, that I'm struggling to find any documentation on. In the quick start guide they are just labelled as 1-2 being management, and 3-6 being data (or 3-4 if you don't have the SFP+ ports).

Image_ images_messages_5f91c3fd135b77e24790d607_05cf20d2f830d82cc10805dbdc509484_RackMultipart20190813863051um9-38f27507-102b-467a-a2ec-dc8834563370-1834178952.png1565693466

So my question is, how do these ports behave if they are both connected? Are they doing some kind of failover, or aggregation?

As far as I can see in the configuration, you don't set anything by specific port, just management or data interfaces.


New Contributor III
For the SZ104-D, ports 1 and 2 are reserved for Management and can be bonded and ports 3 and 4 are reserved for Data and are bridged. All are 1GbE interfaces.

For the SZ124-D, ports 1 and 2 are reserved for management and can be bonded. Ports 3 and 4 are Data and 1GbE. Ports 5 and 6 are Data and are 10GbE. Ports can be bridged.

New Contributor III
Thank you pmonardo.

Do you know if there is any documentation around this? I am really struggling to find any...

We're looking to set up a redundant system consisting of two data planes and a switch stack (amongst other things). If you see the diagram below;

Image_ images_messages_5f91c44a135b77e247a051d5_04468d8a0707d4ea25439bdbaf02080f_RackMultipart2019091213490124d-0c3031ec-5fba-435e-857d-4227d6e3c7ce-1256384983.png1568279080

What I was hoping to do is have something like the above, whereby the MGMT and Data ports of Dataplane 1 are in a LAG across the switch stack in to different physical switches, and the same for Dataplane 2. Those lines in the diagram may be a little confusing, they wouldn't be the LAGs, it would be;

Dataplane 1;
LAG 1: MGMT 1 + MGMT 2
LAG 2: Data 1 + Data 2

Dataplane 2;
LAG 3: MGMT 1 + MGMT 2
LAG 4: Data 1 + Data 2

Each LAG would be two physical ports on the separate switches.

I guess my question is, is this possible, sounds like it should be from your previous post, and what configuration do I need to do on the Dataplanes? 


New Contributor III
Hey Chris, it would be best to speak to your local SE or account rep so they can properly understand your requirements and help you design this properly.

Apologies for the late reply.


Thanks Pasquale, I will contact our account people and get some further advice around the design as a whole.