I have had system for 5 yearsIt no longer lets me log in on unleashed app to manage (admin )I use admin and admin password, system states "incorrect"If I reset, it just allows me to reset with what seems to be a non admin password I really would lik...
I have an ICX 7150-C12 switch in my home with multiple VLANs set up.For the 1:DEFAULT-VLAN, I have one port 1/1/4 Untagged that has been added. This port is connected to one of the two ethernet wall ports in my home office. I set this up, so I could ...
This started happening about a week ago. I have devices that works fine, and other devices that either can not be connected to wifi or will connect for a period of time before getting dropped and can not connect again.Connecting to wifi with my iphon...
This started happening about a week ago. I have devices that works fine, and other devices that either can not be connected to wifi or will connect for a period of time before getting dropped and can not connect again. Connecting to wifi with my ipho...
My ICX7150-C12P-2X1G router has failed. No POE to ring door bell or WIFI on celling. No power over ethernet to ruckus wifi on ceiling or to doorbell.How do I get a replacement?.