02-23-2023 12:48 PM
I have a pair of stacked ICX6610's running FCXR08030t.bin where the "ip igmp group-membership-time" switches several times per day from 275 to 145 and the back again. Our router configuration monitoring system automatically identifies this.
Any idea how to prevent this from happening?
02-24-2023 08:46 AM
Are you saying the running configuration itself is changing? I don't think that should be happening. Software support is no longer active on ICX6610, but you could try upgrading to the latest patch (8030u) if you are thinking it is a possible bug. With that said, I am not see any fixed bugs in that area. Could something be logging in and changing the configuration? This seems like an odd one!
02-24-2023 12:32 PM
Yes, it's self changing. I can literally do a "show run" at the CLI and see how it changes between time spans. Nothing is logging in to make that change.
I agree it should not be happening. 😃
I also did not see an issue like this in the latest 8.030u release.
There is a relationship between "ip igmp query-interval" and "ip igmp group-membership-time". According to the docs, "You must specify a query-interval value that is a little more than twice the group membership time. You can configure the ip igmp group-membership-time command to specify the IGMP group membership time." I think the group-membership-time is supposed to be at least twice the query-interval, no?
SSH@IPTV-ICX6610(config)#ip igmp group-membership-time 260
Error - value must be atleast 275 (2 * Query-Interval + Max-Resp-Time).
Even now, the group-membership-time changed at the CLI from 275 back to 145 seconds.