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Cloudpath Licensing

New Contributor III
Hello, I guess this forum is not exactly the right place to ask this as this is more of a sale question than anything else.. Unfortunately the explanations I received up until now only added to the confusion...

Basically we need to setup a cloudpath local vm with support for 1000 users.. What is the difference between the On-Site (VM) pricing and the Perpetual pricing..?

New Contributor III
Hi Andreas,
With the VM option, customers have the choice between 2 licensing options - a subscription option (which has support and maintenance included) or a Perpetual licenses option (which needs additional license for support or maintenance) which is typical of most pricing models. The choice really depends on whether a OPEX or a CAPEX model is desired for the purchase. Either methods provide access to the same capability just that in subscription you are subscribing for 1/3/5 years for the all encompassing service and in perpetual you buy the licenses outright and you own them and in addition (optionally) choose support for 1/3/5 years. 

Hope that helps.