I appreciate your input and would be happy to discuss this offline or on another thread, but I assure you that in all the years (14) I have been doing this, Background Scanning/Channel Fly has destroyed these very high-density deployments. Additionally, your own stadium Pro Services team assisted in such a design and recommended not using any Background Scanning or Channel Fly.
Ruckus also has a document specific to high density deployments found here:
https://support.ruckuswireless.com/documents/1345-high-density-wi-fi-best-practices-ap-deployment-gu... and also in a prior version (I prefer both documents as they have some different content) that warns about potential issues when using scanning. We also normally do not have enough time for Channel Fly to sit and run before it becomes accurate.
I will agree, that in more traditional deployments, Scanning/Fly is a great and very useful set of features.
So back to my original question: We would like to implement best practices and processes that make sense for MY business, and being able to program ALL of our WAP inventory into ALL of our controllers is highly desired. In addition to the standard fields detailed we can import using the
Import batch provisioning APs tool (per your support document), my question is can we use this tool to define the channel assignments. Similarly, if there are other configurations we can simultaneously import, that would be a huge bonus for us.
Thank you