03-11-2021 03:02 PM
Hope somebody can help me to understand and fix the problem below, thanks.
Setup (Lennar home): R510 + ICX7150-C12 + AT&T Router (with Fiber broadband)
R510 is connected to the Switch's port 11 and is PoE,
Router is connected to Switch's port 12
Router provides DHCP + DNS
Everything worked OK before yesterday's power outage. Now the connection is very laggish. I mean, it seems it takes up to several seconds to establish a connection to (any) site, but after it is established the speed seems to be as usual. Broadband itself not local clients are is an issue, as if connected directly to router's Ethernet (or router's WiFi) all work OK.
Another problem is that in Unleashed UI the switch shown as disconnected, similar to https://forums.ruckuswireless.com/conversations/ruckus-unleashed/ruckus-switch-unreachabledisconnect...
and the weirdest thing: depending on what Wi-Fi the client device is connected to, either R510 or Switch are not reachable. If I connect to R510 Wi-Fi, Switch can't be reached; if I connect to the router's Wi-Fi, R510 can't reached.
R510 and Switch seem to see each other at LLDP:
ruckus(ap-mode)# get lldp neighbors
LLDP neighbors:
Interface: eth0, via: LLDP, RID: 1, Time: 0 day, 01:22:52
ChassisID: mac ...
SysName: ICX7150-C12 Router
SysDescr: Not received
Capability: Bridge, on
Capability: Router, on
PortID: mac ...
PortDescr: GigabitEthernet1/1/11
SSH@ICX7150-C12 Router>show lldp neighbors
Lcl Port Chassis ID Port ID Port Description System Name
1/1/11 .. ... eth0 RuckusAP
but R510 can't ping Switch
https://forums.ruckuswireless.com/conversations/ruckus-at-home/power-failure-causes-switch-to-reboot... says that Switch might be in a wrong mode, how do I check that?
Any other steps can be done to troubleshoot?