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Warehouses best prcatices - roaming issue

New Contributor
Hi all, I have a new deployment in a warehouse environment. I wonder if there are configuration best practices for a correct deployment.
The customer holds Motorola handheld devices and complains about low WiFi coverage and high response time from his application (telnet based).
I investigated and discovered that client devices (Motorola barcode scanner) usually does not roam between APs: they stay associated to an AP without- or little - roaming to other APs.
Are there specific configuration to make WiFi clients more "inclined" to roam? For example working on power, basic datarates, etc....
Other suggestions?
Thanks in advance

New Contributor
On a similar configuration I tried to:
- update the FW to 9.6.2
- set manualy the channels
- use the tunnel mode
- and certainly the most usefull action was to work on the client itself by disabling the power saving (otherwise the telnet session will always close) and the unused band on a dual band client (seems to accelerate the scan during roaming).

Regarding the coverage it depends on the antenna heights and orientation. Prefer an horizontal installation and the highest location to maximize the opportunity of a direct path to the client.

The service is almost good for us.. we observe only a 1-1.5s freeze during the roaming process but no application downtime.